Jack wrote:
> Have you tried downloading the EDID from the monitor so it can be
> loaded as firmware from disk, so the response speed of the monitor
> isn't a factor?  I had to do that once for a similar reason, but it
> was so many years ago I don't actually remember the details - in fact
> it might have been a big glass CRT  monitor where I had to get the
> edid from off the interwebs somewhere.

I haven't but maybe I should.  Thing is, if the new monitor that is on
the way works, I won't likely ever have this monitor on the new rig
again.  It is the smallest and oldest monitor I have.  I usually use it
during installs or on rigs I rarely use anyway.  This is mostly on the
NAS box rigs that I use to do backups with.  I only boot them once a
week and they only run for a couple hours at most.  I pitched the old
CRT monitors long ago.  Those thing produced a LOT of heat and pulled a
huge amount of power compared to the new flat screen ones. 

I just realized something.  The CPU cooler and m.2 cooler is made by the
same company.  No wonder they look so much alike.  ROFL  Oh, I did add
some thermal pad to the controller end.  It was making some contact
before but it looks like it was only touching about half of the
controller chip based on the indentation it left behind in the pad.  A
.5mm thick piece made it fairly flat between the controller and memory
chip.  It would likely work fine even under heavy use but now I know it
is going to cool very well.  I can be a little OCD on some things.  :/ 

Oh, I'm in the heat picking basil.  Dang that stuff smells good.  Almost
got a ice cream bucket full.  :-D  I'm still on the first planter.  I
got two more to go.  o_O


:-)  :-) 

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