On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 04:42:33PM -0600, Penguin Lover Dale squawked:
> Well, I did a windoze thing and rebooted.  It got worse.  That was when 
> Mozilla stopped working at all.  My rig has always been named smoker, since 
> the install anyway.
> I have a new install on the way on another hard drive.  If that one does the 
> same crap, I'm installing Mandrake for a while anyway.  <  goes and pukes at 
> the thought of Mandrake >  :-(
> Things I have done so far:
> Renamed ~/.mozilla  thought maybe it was a corrupt file
> Tried two different users, no workey
> re-emerged Mozilla then did a emerge -C mozilla and then re-emerged mozilla 
> again.  Still no worky.
> Any ideas?  Anybody want to host this large strace file so others can see it? 
> I don't have anyway to host it here.
> Thanks
> Dale
> Oh, Willie, it is working on it.  It adds a new line from time to time.  I'm 
> just twidling my thumbs waiting on it.  LOL  I'll send it when it gets tired 
> of chewing on it.  O_O

>From what you sent me, it doesn't look like mozilla even finished
loading all the libraries. Can you post emerge --info and 
emerge -pv mozilla?

Will will will unless Will wills willingly. Maybe Willow
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