On Jan 15, 2006, at 7:59 AM, Stroller wrote:

On 15 Jan 2006, at 10:15, Ryan Viljoen wrote:

What I landed up doing is defining a set of my own rules that detected
if penis, viagra, slut and such words occured it added a +10.0 to the
spam assassin rating so if is clearly identified as spam.

This is exactly what the navy did while my wife was in it. Unfortunately, my wife is a pediatrician, and so has quite a bit of legitimate email with many of those words in it. Be careful of your userbase demographics when setting up things like this.
I'm somewhat cautious about this. I know you get very high hit rates with this, but it doesn't make any allowances for false positives - if I make a list of "banned words" like this, one of them is _sure_ to turn up one day.

I don't plan to dump the detected spam to /dev/null, but to a separate folder (SpamAssassin is already doing this nicely with the %age it detects) but my suspicion is that users will probably never check that Junk folder once they find it rarely contains anything of interest.


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