Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Hm, as I said before - have a look at LVM. It makes
> life *SO* much easier. I don't quite get, why people
> still do the old style partitioning.
> For example, in your setup, how do you make /var larger, if need
> be?
> With LVM, it would just be a matter of "lvresize -L+512m
> /dev/Volume00/Var". You also wouldn't waste so much space.
> Alexander Skwar
> --
> BOFH Excuse #126:
> it has Intel Inside

I do agree with almost all you said (like - for instance - having separate 
filesystems for the different top-level directories). Indeed, this (using 
several small filesystems mounted together instead of one large filesystem 
for /) is a technique that can be applied to speed things up (have a look at to see how Portage may profit 
from the use of small filesystems).

Having said that, I would like to suggest that instead of using LVM, the 
top-poster might be better off by using EVMS ( 
since EVMS sports different UIs for all kinds of users (CLI, ncurses, X) and 
automates many tasks like resizing etc.

Kind regards
Martin Eisenhardt
Dipl. Wirtsch.Inf.(Univ.) Martin Eisenhardt

Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Fakultät Wirtschaftinformatik und Angewandte Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik

D-96045 Bamberg

fon: +49 (951) 863-2856
fax: +49 (951) 863-2852


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