On Sunday 01 October 2006 11:08, Terry Eck wrote:
> I've been a SuSE user for several years now currently running 10.0.
> I'm interested in giving gentoo a try with the object of converting
> from SuSE to gentoo. I've been looking at this list for a couple of
> weeks and have determined that there may be a steep learning curve
> on my part converting. Any words of advice on getting up to speed
> using gentoo before I install it.
> Thanks for any advice you might be able to give me.
> Terry Eck
> --
> SUSE LINUX 10.0 (i586) -- 2.6.13-15.12-default  --  Sun 10/01/06
>    1:00pm  up  16:53,  3 users,  load average: 0.79, 0.54, 0.37

For your first time I'd highly suggest the graphical installer.  It'll 
save you some time, and while a lot of people correctly point out that 
it robs you of a great learning experience, it was the only thing that 
enabled a complete newbie (me) to successfully install gentoo.

Once you've got Gentoo installed though...  it's almost invulnerable.  
I've done some really dumb things to my installation, and I've always 
been able (with a great deal of help from this list) to restore my 
machine to working order.

I also have to say that your memory footprint will get smaller with 
gentoo.  The stuff you compile is much more suited to your setup if you 
spend the time to tweak your system.

It has some excellent tools for administering your system, and I haven't 
had a stability problem yet (Kubuntu is more error-prone than Gentoo - 
no joke.)

If you're up to the challenge, Gentoo is wonderful.  I love it so much I 
installed it on my server.

Also, for a threaded mail client, KMail*, Thunderbird, and even MS 
Outlook Express have threaded features.  If you're interested in GMail, 
I'd be happy to send you an invite.

*Coming from a happy and satisfied (even spoiled) KMail user.  Worth a 
try if nothing else.


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