On Tuesday 10 October 2006 11:59, b.n. wrote:

> In fact, once tweaking xorg.conf for performance, composite works
> fast and quite well, apart from the occasional xorg CPU problem of my
> original mail. It seems more like a bug, however.
> > My experiences were that composite with the radeon driver were ...
> > poor
> I guess it depends from your card. ATI cards below 9200 are much
> better supported by "radeon" than newer cards. Until I can, I would
> prefer to stick with the OSS drivers.

I don't know the solution to the problem you are having, I can only give 
some tips from experience. My first trouble shooting step would be to 
use fglrx and see if it makes a difference. The you know if it's a 
driver issue or not. You don't have to keep using fglrx, consider it a 
debugging technique...

I do recall having issues with that card and xorg 7.0, but it was a long 
time ago so I don't remember details. Whatever it was went away with 
emerging 7.1 and using the latest ati-drivers.

Which wm do you use?

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