Sorry for writing the first email in german - it was meant for
gentoo-user-de :-/
Now the same question in english...
Wolfgang Liebich schrieb:
I've got a new PC at work and installed it with gentoo linux. My old
work PC is also a gentoo system. I tried to setup
the machines pretty similar. BUT:
On my new PC rdesktop can't connect to any of our WindowsXP machines. I
always get the error message listed above
(a windows for rdesktop appears & disappears after the error msg is
shown). On my OLD system, rdesktop (with the SAME
arguments) works as designed! According to eix the same version of
rdesktop is installed on both systems (which are kept up to date
with frequent emerge --deep --newuse --tree --ask world).

eix -I rdesktop ays:
* net-misc/rdesktop
 Available versions: 1.4.1 ~1.5.0 ~1.5.0-r1
 Installed: 1.4.1
 Homepage: http://rdesktop.sourceforge.net/
 Description: A Remote Desktop Protocol Client
according to equery uses the USE flags are the same, too:

equery uses rdesktop
[ Searching for packages matching rdesktop... ]
[ Colour Code : set unset ]
[ Legend        : Left column  (U) - USE flags from
make.conf                     ]
[                  : Right column (I) - USE flags packages was installed
with ]
[ Found these USE variables for net-misc/rdesktop-1.4.1 ]
 U I
 - - debug : Tells configure and the makefiles to build for debugging.
Effects vary across packages, but generally it will at least add -g to
CFLAGS. Remember to set FEATURES=nostrip too
 - - ipv6  : Adds support for IP version 6
 - - oss   : Adds support for OSS (Open Sound System)

So ... how can I proceed?
Puzzled in Vienna,
Wolfgang Liebich
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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