Uwe Thiem wrote:
> This is odd.My main workstation also has 384MB of ram. I run a full KDE 
> session and do not experience any slow down. Right now, I have open: 9 
> konqueror windows (not tabs), kmail, kmahjongg, konsole with 3 sessions, 
> noatun, kcalc. My background is a 1024x768 photo which also takes some 
> memory. Switching between virtual desktops is instantaneous, all apps are 
> very responsive.
> One good thing (among others) of using a real desktop environment is that all 
> apps share the vast majority of libraries which are loaded into memory just 
> once. When you mix environments or use an eclectic  collection of unrelated 
> apps, they all draw in different libraries and memory usage goes up.
> Uwe

I tend to agree with this.  I use KDE myself.  I have 1Gb of ram but as
I type only about 280 MBs of it is in use.  The rest is disk cache.  I
have a full blown KDE and I have Seamonkey, Konsole with several tabs
open, Kppp, Konqueror, Kpatience, Kopete and Gkrellm open.  I also have
a lot of server stuff running too.  Ntp, cups, folding which uses a lot
on this unit, nut, rsync, http-replicator, distcc and no telling what
else I forgot about.  With a fresh login. I use less than 100MBs and
that is with all that servers stuff and folding running still.  Well,
folding varies.  Sometimes it uses a lot. sometimes not.

Maybe you need to use top to see what is using all that memory.  I have
ran KDE with 256MBs of ram and had no problems with that either.  128MBs
may be a problem though.  That's getting into using swap a bit.

Post back what you find though.  I'm curious now.  Maybe post what top
says.  This is mine showing only what uses more than 1%:

>  8614 root      34  19  117m  90m 1384 S  0.0  9.0   0:01.51
> FahCore_a0.exe
>  8616 root      34  19  117m  90m 1384 S  0.0  9.0   0:00.03
> FahCore_a0.exe
>  8617 root      39  19  117m  90m 1384 R 24.6  9.0   5132:32
> FahCore_a0.exe
>  8618 root      34  19  117m  90m 1384 S  0.0  9.0   0:00.00
> FahCore_a0.exe
>  5373 dale      15   0  201m  78m  23m S  0.0  7.7   2:55.74 seamonkey-bin
> 20372 root      15   0 82616  48m 5380 S  1.3  4.8   5:00.31 X
> 16683 distcc    35  15 47360  38m 5620 R 29.3  3.8   0:00.88 cc1plus
> 22159 dale      15   0 61004  29m  18m S  0.0  3.0   0:44.93 kopete
> 22578 root      15   0 36628  24m  19m S  0.0  2.4   0:02.19 konqueror
> 22119 dale      15   0 32028  18m  11m S  0.0  1.9   1:32.15 kdesktop
> 22143 dale      15   0 25704  15m  12m S  0.0  1.6   0:02.99 kpat
> 22126 dale      15   0 28460  14m  11m S  0.0  1.4   0:10.78 kicker
> 22144 dale      15   0 24012  14m  11m S  0.0  1.4   0:00.98 kppp
> 22150 dale      15   0 27848  13m  10m S  0.0  1.3   0:14.60 konsole
> 22149 dale      15   0 27396  13m  10m S  0.0  1.3   0:00.48 kgpg
> 22160 dale      20   0 23260  12m  11m S  0.0  1.3   0:02.85 kdesu
> 22102 dale      15   0 27776  12m  10m S  0.0  1.3   0:02.58 kded
>  6334 haldaemo  15   0 14048  12m 1632 S  0.0  1.2  31:51.26 hald
> 22117 dale      15   0 31744  12m 9528 S  0.0  1.2   0:03.84 knotify
> 22115 dale      24   0 25460  11m 9316 S  0.0  1.1   0:04.57 kwin
> 22169 dale      15   0 24448  10m 9016 S  0.0  1.1   0:00.33 klipper
>  6882 root      15   0 23724  10m 9100 S  0.0  1.1   0:00.14 kio_uiserver

Maybe one of the gurus will see something strange.


:-)  :-)  :-)  :-)


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