
On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:32:34 -0300 "Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman"

> Hans-Werner Hilse wrote:
> > Aaaaaargh! This seems to be the new excuse for writing ridiculously
> > short mails w/o much information and background now. IMHO, a stupid
> > excuse.
> BUT you provided a great, and funny but yet insightful answer. :P

Thanks :-) And now, here I stand corrected: The thread has actually
become a cultural excercise and social mailing list event! Maybe we
even make it into the GWN: "Big outing party on gentoo-user" or
similar ;-)

OK, I hope I adhere to the auto-adjusted standard for writing one's
Gentoo/Linux/Computing history ;-) :

I'm at the end of 26, using Linux since about 1996 (there was this
Corel Linux distribution on some magazine's cover CD...), quickly
chosing SuSE for the start. It didn't take long and I wanted to do more
configuring without borking YaST all the time, so I went for Debian.
That's where I compiled my first (vanilla) kernel, which was a pain on
SuSE. I stayed with debian until 2003 (I think), when I switched to
Gentoo for all but a few machines.

My start at computing was 1986, at the age of 6. My parents bought an
Olivetti 8086 (with already 8MHz and a HD of 20MB). I was fascinated. I
started programming (good ol' MS QuickBasic) at the age of 10, I think.
I learned assembler and pascal, later Java, C, C++. At that time, I
could already resolve IRQ conflicts with some wire and a soldering
iron :-)

At the age of 15, I felt in love with the FIDO-Net (I was
2:240/6010.29, later 2:240/9301.29), only to dump my first registered
shareware, CrossPoint, a few months later when the internet was
starting to make its first steps in the private sector in germany.

Now, I earn my little money with programming (just boring web stuff)
and administration, while studying law (funny choice given the
background, eh?).

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