On 28 August 2007, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Tuesday 28 August 2007, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> > > In one word, there is no useable desktop search engine for linux.
> >
> > they are called 'locate', 'find' and 'grep'.
> good tools, fast tools. Feel the love, people

Yup but not so suitable for users that aren't computer freaks but want their 
work done.

> > If you know how to use them, you'll have a lot of fun.
> What is this desktop search engine thingy whereof the OP speaks? I do
> not know of such a thing...

Something where you can tell the computer: I want granny's photo that came in 
with an email from uncle George. It's about using lots of metadata for 
finding objects. Quite honestly, why should a secretary be concerned about 
the exact name and location of a file that contains a quotation of product A 
for customer B? She should be able to ask the computer for "quotation, 
product A, customer B" and get it.

With cheap storage space available, we tend to keep more and more data on our 
harddisks. Last time I did a file count in my home directory, it came up with 
170,000 files (including sub-directories). It's a pain to keep that amount of 
data organised in a hierarchical filesystem. Better let the computer do the 
hard work.

It might not be the right tool for you and me, but there are lots of users out 
there for whom it is the right thing - if it doesn't use too much of system 
resources. KDE4 will hopefully get it right.


Jack Nicholson: My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son of a bitch.
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