On 28 Aug 2007, at 13:00, Alan McKinnon wrote:

On Tuesday 28 August 2007, Stroller wrote:
On 28 Aug 2007, at 08:11, Alan McKinnon wrote:
If you know how to use them, you'll have a lot of fun.

What is this desktop search engine thingy whereof the OP speaks? I
do not know of such a thing...

It's like locate, except it indexes the contents of files (rather
than just the names) and it does so immediately the file is saved,
rather than as a cron job.

Seems like a lot of folks are being very helpful and want to assist me
in understanding what these Beagle-esque apps do :-)

I do know what they are, I just never use them - I prefer grep find
locate etc. I was being slightly sarcastic with my comment, with my
tongue very firmly planted in both cheeks :-)

My reply was because I see no such need for such "tongue-in-cheek" replies (and because I thought that another explanation was longer than necessary).

If you accept locate as well as find as useful then it is only one more step to accept Beagle or other "desktop search" utilities. Find & `grep -R` find files by name & content - locate indexes filenames for quicker searching and runs once per day. Desktop search indexes contents and addresses the shortcomings of updating locate's database. Each is a logical step from the next.

Personally I use none of those mentioned in this thread because Spotlight is quite (in)adequate enough for me. However I'm sure that desktop search will improve much in the forseeable future and that many of us will soon wossisname to be without it. Already, when I get an empty voicemail because someone has declined to leave a message I can identify the caller by copy & pasting their phone number into the search box.

I felt the original poster - Shaochun Wang - to be a troll because he posted only complaints. Was it a request for help? He didn't ask "can anyone suggest an alternative, better, desktop search for me?" and this is not an advocacy group. He also made performance observations yet failed to state that he waited for the initial index to be built before doing so. We all know that files are not instantly indexed the moment the application is installed - perhaps he had not accounted for this? I know that when my email alone takes several hours to index - this constitutes thousands of small files totalling 3gig, but I suspect that is not an exceptional amount by the standards of those on this list.

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