On Tuesday 28 August 2007, Uwe Thiem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about 'Re: 
[gentoo-user] linux desktop search engines are ugly!':
>Last time I did a file count in my home directory, it
> came up with 170,000 files (including sub-directories). It's a pain to
> keep that amount of data organised in a hierarchical filesystem. Better
> let the computer do the hard work.

$ find /home/bss | wc -l
$ du -sh /home/bss
2.6T    /home/bss
$ du -s /home/bss
2695039198      /home/bss

Desktop search would be a useless waste of resources for me.  I don't spend 
much time organizing files, but I do think about where to put them when I 
create/save them.  I know where all my data is already.

>It might not be the right tool for you and me, but there are lots of
> users out there for whom it is the right thing - if it doesn't use too
> much of system resources. KDE4 will hopefully get it right.

As long as I can turn it off, I think providing a feature many users want 
(3 of the 4 Linux users in my house) is a good use of developer resources.

Heck, I might even like it once I try it.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     

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