dell core2duo pisze:
I have latest nvidia drivers installed. I have 2GB memory card. Am i missing some specific settings ?

[I] media-video/nvidia-settings
[I] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers
[I] media-libs/mesa
[I] x11-apps/mesa-progs



On Jan 30, 2008 7:30 PM, Mateusz Mierzwinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    I have compiz-fusion on my Intel X3100 - it run smoothly and very
    This is not compiz problem, try to re-emerge mesa and install oryginal
    drivers from <>. I have using
    some time ago compiz-fusion on
    nVidia 5500FX and this works normal only on drivers from nvidia
    If You use - such as I EM64T on amd64 distro (x86_64) then drivers are
    also available. If after instalation of driver this You will still
    this problem please let me know on: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, we find
    whats about...

    Mateusz M.

    dell core2duo pisze:
    > Hi,
    >   I am running compiz-fusion. but it seems to run very slow.
    > Cpu/memory usage are normal.  But even when i  resize a terminal it
    > takes few seconds to do so.
    > while there is no such problem in doing same without running
    > compiz-fusion.  I have nvidia-8600-GT graphics card. I would like to
    > know how to make my compiz-fusion run smoother.
    > --flukebox

    -- <>
    mailing list

You should first emerge mesa then install nvidia drivers against mesa - nv have own GL drivers. Also check Your kernel for enabled NV Framebuffer - you should disable this feature. If this will not help, than I don't know how to help You. Maybe nVidia have support for drivers and config?

Mateusz M.
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