On Sat, 9 Feb 2008 07:16:44 -0800
Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My server's current IMAP setup is only used with squirrelmail so it
> doesn't have to communicate over the internet.  I'm trying to ditch
> squirrelmail for claws-mail 
good choice.  
>and I'm having a little trouble making the
> transition.  I'm using:
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/virt-mail-howto.xml
> I've taken a stab at configuring courier-imap and claws-mail, but I'm
> kind of fumbling in the dark without an understanding of how the
> pieces fit together.  /var/log/mail/current doesn't show anything from
> me.

i am confused why you're going all out with virtual mail, but I'm not
sure how to answer your question.  my mail is in ~/.maildir/.  you
might want to look a little closer at the logs.  

> I've generated an SSL cert for courier-imap and started
> courier-imapd-ssl.  Do I need to add that cert to claws-mail somehow?
no, it will take care of it for itself.  

> Do I need to install cyrus-sasl for this?
for smtp authentication, i believe; I don't think you need it for IMAP
but am not sure.  it's not a use flag for courier-imap.  
> - Grant
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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