Matthias Bethke schrieb:
Hi Florian,
on Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 10:29:07PM +0200, you wrote:
Note1: NEVER EVER build some kind of RAID other than "Linear" (also called JBOD) over two IDE disks on the same cable. Performance will suffer greatly as will security because most simple onboard controllers can't handle a dying disk and that one might take the other one with it into death.

Your suggestions sound reasonable (as reasonable as you get if one
insists on going with the drives that are there instead of getting a
third 500G drive that is :) [and for RAID5 I'd add a cheapish SATA
controller as well]) but I wonder why the above should be better than a
RAID0. The risk is the same---if either disk dies, the partition is
fuct. And considering drive mechanics are still the slowest part of the
system, even two EIDE disks that tend fight for the bus should be a tad
faster when striped than any one alone, which is what you effectively
get in a JBOD, right?


Hmm, you might be right. Maybe someone should do a field test.

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