> Hello,
> I am using shorewall on my local computer (the same I'm surfing the web
> with). My skills with iptables are not really good and my understanding
> of networking also has some holes in it... However, I'm trying to
> prevent firefox from accessing a third party site; I'm logging onto a
> site with firefox. With netstat I can see that besides the usual ip
> address belonging to the site another ip-address (not belonging to the
> original site) shows up. While trying to block the additional ip address
> with both "iptables -A INPUT -s xxxx -j DROP" and "iptables -A OUTPUT -d
> xxxx -j DROP" it still sends a SYN request to this site. This makes
> firefox just sit there waiting for a time-out. How can I prevent firefox
> from accessing the other site, while still accessing the original one?
> Best regards
> Peter K
Couldn't you use squid as a proxy and squidguard for filtering the site
you want to access or block?
As an example if you access a web site which have link to advertisement
third party site, you could use squiguard to block the ad and let you
browse the content of the original website.

I know this approach doesn't use iptables but perhaps it could help you...


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