On Sunday 21 September 2008 13:32:03 Dale wrote:
> > Dale, do you get good cell phone reception out by you?  You can get a
> > sprint aircard and a linksys router that has a pcmcia adapter in it to
> > split the signal.  It's not blazing fast but @ 60/month it's way better
> > than dialup.  BTW, I'm sure you can do it with providers other than
> > Sprint but I've only used the Sprint ones.
> >
> >  
> Well, I live waaaaaaaaaaay out in the country here.  Even the cell
> service is not real good.  I also live under a hill too.  Funny thing
> is, the cell tower is only half a mile up the road.

ha, that reminds me of a job I used to do in a past life - TVs and TV 

At the time the biggest, baddest, newest and most powerful transmitter in the 
country was right on top of a hill in the middle of the capital city. But in 
the valley and all the way up the slopes of the next hill then reception was 
zero, nada, zilch, nothing. I couldn't even see the carrier wave on a 
spectrum analyser. The reason is simple - the transmitter doesn't the blast 
the signal in all directions equally, it is focused to cover specific areas. 
So the customer wonders why he can see the transmitter 1000m away 
line-of-sight and can't receive from it.

Those were tough times. The customer that accepts the technician's explanation 
of what is going on has not been born yet :-)

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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