On Saturday 08 November 2008 19:13:15 Stroller wrote:
> > ... if you use Gentoo on a desktop enable the
> > desktop profile. ...
> I wouldn't be inclined to assume a new user might be using a server  
> profile because last time I checked these spit out an ugly warning  
> message about "this profile being untested" for EVERY SINGLE package  
> emerged.
> Eventually - after enabling PORTAGE_ELOG_* and being inundated with  
> warning spam for packages which had compiled without problems - I was  
> unable to tolerate this behaviour any longer & switched to a desktop  
> profile instead.
> So has something changed since I experienced this, or have many other  
> people just been ignoring the nuisance of the warning messages?
> I guess I chose a server profile in the first place because it seemed  
> more "correct" for me to do so (seeing as all my machines are  
> servers), but since I'm quite happy to put USE="-X -gtk -qt &c" in my  
> make.conf I can't see that it makes much difference.

I tend to do the same as you. I like the idea of desktop, server and hardened 
profiles but if the server profile is untested, then one has to ask the 
question - why is it even there? Can profiles be "masked" in a way analogous 
to packages?

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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