On Saturday 08 November 2008 16:08:22 Michael P. Soulier wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 6:15 AM, Daniel Pielmeier
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So there are two possibilities. First there is no need for a jpg useflag
> > as it will work out of the box. Second the jpg support or needed
> > libraries if they are indeed needed are detected automagically which is
> > bad and a bug should be filed. But from a quick glance into the relevant
> > files I did not recognize such things.
> >
> > So I guess rebuilding the affected packages and trying again is the best
> > option.
> I tried rebuilding gqview and feh with no success. feh complains about
> no imlib support for jpegs so I rebuild imlib, which didn't help.
> Before going to bed I started a full world rebuild. I'll reboot after
> that to ensure I pick up new shared libraries and we'll see what
> happens. This violates the principle of least surprise though.

You are going about this the wrong way. Gentoo can't really make a package 
more configurable than what it's author provides. feh has no option 
to ./configure to explicitly enable jpeg support, thus there cannot be a USE 
flag for it, as described earlier in the thread. If you need/want to know 
what's going in with such things, emerge the package and look for the full 
build log in /var/log/portage/. Examine it, it will tell you how the package 

imlib is the same, no explicit switch for jpeg, so you have to rely on the 
autodetect voodoo^Wmagic. it sucks, it shouldn't be that way but gentoo 
didn't make it that way.

Why did you decide to rebuild world? That's a bit like a sledge hammer to kill 
a flea....

You can't validly claim this violates least surprise. Even if your 
expectations were correct and gentoo does violate them, it's not something 
gentoo can fix, the problem is in the configure script.
> I am finding this about gentoo. On FreeBSD I could disable X11
> support, but it's on by default. I agree with that. On gentoo I have
> to explicitely enable jpg support?? Why the hell would I not want it?
> I find that needlessly difficult. The default should be the common
> case, not the uncommon one.

I'll bet your profile points to a server profile, not a desktop one. For the 
server profile, the default is no X server and thus no jpeg. A quick search 
shows me that all the desktop profiles enable jpeg by default - the expected 
state for most users. You profile is dictated by what the /etc/make.profile 
symlink points to.

I think you need to re-read the gentoo handbook, the full thing from beginning 
to end. As you have made several mistakes thus far that show me you don't 
know where or how to select the thing you want.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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