Stroller wrote:
> On 8 Nov 2008, at 17:35, Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
>> Stroller schrieb am 08.11.2008 18:13:
>>> I wouldn't be inclined to assume a new user might be using a server
>>> profile because last time I checked these spit out an ugly warning
>>> message about "this profile being untested" for EVERY SINGLE package
>>> emerged.
>>> ...
>> I don't know if the server profile is untested. I for myself neither use
>> a server nor a desktop profile. Here is my profile symlink.
>> /etc/make.profile ->
>> /media/system/repositories/portage/profiles/default/linux/x86/2008.0
> I assume you're aware that if you look inside that directory you'll
> find "desktop" and "server" subdirectories?
> $ ls /usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/x86/2008.0/
> desktop developer parent server
> $ ls -l /etc/make.profile
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Oct 8 07:01 /etc/make.profile ->
> /usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/x86/2008.0
> $ ls /etc/make.profile
> desktop developer parent server
> $
> In this case I had assumed the "default" was for Portage simply to
> assume desktop.
> Stroller.

>From my understanding, portage doesn't look in the subdirectories, just
the files in the directory. If that is still correct, then it doesn't
matter what is below that.

Also, keep in mind that back in the early days, there was no desktop or
server profiles.


:-) :-)

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