On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday 15 November 2008, Dale wrote:
>> Mick wrote:
>> > Without gentoo-wiki my knowledge level is rather poor (just like my
>> > memory!)
>> >
>> > What would you use to back up a running server without taking it off
>> > line?
>> I keep mine simple, cp -auv paths/you/want/to/backup back/up/to  It has
>> works so far.  Thought about doing a cron job but that complicates
>> things.  :/
> Thank you all for the suggestions and for the link to the wiki!  I've got some
> reading to do.  ;-)
> Whenever I have used tar to back up a whole OS I used it with a LiveCD.  This
> was to make sure that files and their metadata were not being changed while I
> was tar'ing them.
> Are you saying that I can actually fire up tar/rsync and back up in real time?

Please read tar's texinfo manual, at least the section
5  Performing Backups and Restoring Files
It is short, and nicely divided in subsections making it is easy to
select you need/want to read. Not like a man page, which for me is
useful as a reference but horrible at teaching how to use the program
(unless the program is quite simple).

Software is like sex: it is better when it is free - Linus Torvalds

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