>> My desktop currently runs one of these:
>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148140
>> I'm pretty much out of space and I'm trying figure out the best way to
>> expand.  The factors to consider are cost, capacity, speed, noise, and
>> heat.
> So you don't care about security, right? With security I mean redundancy
>  (RAID1,5,10,...)

I haven't considered RAID for data security because I'm backing up
critical system and data files across physical locations.  I figure
that's better because I'm protected in case of fire or theft.  It
would be nice for the system to stay up in the case of a hard drive
failure, but there are so many other components that could fail.

>> Should I get another identical drive and set up RAID, or will
>> that create too much noise and heat?
> A RAID won't cause more heat or noise than a second drive but it will also

How much perceived noise does a second drive create?

> I'd say if you don't care about redundancy, you should go for a single 1TB
> disk. I'd prefer a Samsung Spinpoint F1. Spinpoints have the reputation of
> being a good mix between cost effectiveness, speed and noise.

Do you think that would result in a greater speed increase than
another Seagate and RAID0?

- Grant

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