Grant wrote:
>>> My desktop currently runs one of these:
>>> I'm pretty much out of space and I'm trying figure out the best way to
>>> expand.  The factors to consider are cost, capacity, speed, noise, and
>>> heat.
>> RAID 0 will be twice as fast as any single drive
> I didn't realize that.  Maybe I should just buy another drive
> identical to mine and run RAID0.  That would be cheap, twice as fast,
> twice the capacity, and with some amount more heat and noise.  I have
> a separate backup system so I'm not worried about data loss.
> I'm interested to hear from anyone who can comment on the perceived
> noise increase involved with going from one drive to two.  This system
> is in the living room and the current hard drive can be heard from the
> bedroom.
> - Grant

I currently have two hard drives but had three until I got my DVD
burner.  Even when I had three drives in my case, I couldn't hear them
because of the CPU and other fans running.  I guess either my drives
were quiet or you may be water cooling or something.  I haven't had a
problem with drive noise in ages.

I do have a server case so heat has never been a issue for me.  Right
now my case temp is 73F, my CPU is 90.5F.  One hard drive is at 77F and
the other is at 84F.  The one running at 84F is the currently active one
with my OS.  The other is just sitting there spinning.

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-)

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