Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> On Sonntag 14 Dezember 2008, Grant wrote:
>>>> This system
>>>> is in the living room and the current hard drive can be hea
>>> Have you considered adding sound insultation to the case?
>> That's not a bad idea, but I don't want to keep heat in along with
>> sound.  The only fans are the CPU fan and power supply fan.  My video
>> card blew a capacitor the other day and I think it was heat.
>> - Grant
> and that is why you have one or two slow moving 12cm or 14 cm fans in your 
> case. Slow = low noise. Then some insulation on the sides, buttom and top  
> and 
> vibration dampers for the harddisks and noise goes down a lot.

I painted the sides of my case with some of that rubber type of paint
like goes on a roof.  That helped a lot as far as noise goes.  With the
side off, it can be a bit noisy but with it on, there is almost no
noise.  It dampens the metal so that it can't let the vibrations of the
noise through the sides.  My top and bottom are pretty strong anyway so
they do all right.


:-)  :-) 

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