On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Grant,
>>   I have no direct experience but I was asking some questions on this
>> list recently. One disadvantage of software RAD would be that
>> partition management tools like parted may not (or WILL not) do
>> resizing on a software RAID but will (or should!) on hardware RAID. If
>> you go with software RAID and later decide that a partition needs to
>> be moved, resized, etc., then you may not be able to do it.
>>   I would suggest finding a good, if inexpensive, hardware RAID card
>> or possibly play a bit with the RAID stuff on your motherboard to see
>> if parted can work with it.
> What makes motherboard RAID such crap?  I don't think I'll ever want
> to resize partitions.  Mine are very simple root, boot, and swap and
> I've never wanted to change them.  Is it slow, unreliable?
> Here is my motherboard:
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130056
> It is said to:
> SATA RAID 0/1/0+1/5
> - Grant

One reason to be concerned about ANY software RAID solution would be
that when you boot something like a gparted CD to do some work you
won't necessarily have the right driver on the CD so you won't be able
to see the devices. A true hardware RAID card can (to the best of my
knowledge) always be accessed by the system. It may be slower if it
doesn't have special drivers to give you the best performance, but at
least it will work.

Just info and ideas.


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