On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@arcor.de> wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>> wrong. The installation needs a certain difficulty to keep idiots away.
>> Nobody needs idiots (except maybe ubuntu).
> That is insulting.  My mother uses Ubuntu.  Thanks for calling her an idiot.
>  Obviously if someone wants to use his computer in order to get something
> done without doing a Ph.D on Portage and /etc first, then that person is an
> idiot.
> Great thinking.  Fortunately, there are people (like the Ubuntu folks) who
> don't think that way and are trying to make Linux more popular to people who
> need a computer to do tasks that are not related to the computer itself.

Idiot is such a strong word (I should probably get another name for my dog).

The type of user I don't like is the ignorant type. Innocent users are
ok, they don't know, but ignorant users choose not to know. And so
often these ignorant users demand that they should be able to do
anything on a computer. If you wish to benefit from using computers,
you should be prepared to spend some time to get to know how the stuff
works. The more you want to do, the more you need to know. Not: "I
want amarok without mysql and xyz plugin running all silky and smooth,
but don't give me any command line run-arounds or lots of talk about
USE flags".


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