On 2009-02-05, Dirk Uys <dirkc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The type of user I don't like is the ignorant type. Innocent
> users are ok, they don't know, but ignorant users choose not
> to know.

Surely there are things you use without knowing how they work.
You probably use a phone, but do you _really_ know how the
cellular system works?  How about the landline phone system?
The water supply system?  Sewage treatment?  Do you know how a
refinery works?  A chemical plant?  How about the CPU in your
computer. Do you actually know how it works?

> And so often these ignorant users demand that they should be
> able to do anything on a computer. If you wish to benefit from
> using computers, you should be prepared to spend some time to
> get to know how the stuff works. The more you want to do, the
> more you need to know. Not: "I want amarok without mysql and
> xyz plugin running all silky and smooth, but don't give me any
> command line run-arounds or lots of talk about USE flags".

We're all ignorant about 99% of the things we use.  You just
happened to choose a different 1% than some other people.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I am covered with
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                               visi.com            writing a best seller!

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