El Jue, 5 de Febrero de 2009, 20:00, Mike Edenfield escribió:
> On 2/5/2009 7:01 AM, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>> no. He is an idiot if he does not read the docs. Simple. Like people
>> who don't read the manual to their car or vcr and then complaining if
>> something does not work. Idiots.
> "They should read the manual" is *not* a valid design goal for a system.
> At best, it's a justification or rationalization when outside
> constraints force a design to be non-intuitive.

Gentoo is not a distro. You don't "use" it, It's a metadristro
that can be used to build a proper distro, after that you can
use the final product.

> Given the choice between two otherwise equally functional systems (of
> any sort -- electronic, mechanical, digital, etc); if one requires me to
> spend extensive time reading an instruction manual to use and the other is
> designed to be easy to use out of the box -- the "idiot" is the person
> wasting their time reading instead of being productive.  To use your own
> example, I have no problem figuring out how to start my car, turn on the
> A/C, tune my radio, and drive to work without reading the
> automobile manual.

No. Your point is valid but in the other sense. If you are choosing
the wrong tool for you, it's your problem. If you don't want to
build a system from scratch but you insist on using Gentoo and you
insist that it MUST be easy to use, then you are the one that screw
the thing up.

I want to remove some screws, but I want to do it with my hammer!!!

> If Gentoo's installer *has* to be difficult because it's the only way to
> supply additional benefits or features, that's a perfectly reasonable
> argument.  If Gentoo's installer is *stuck* being difficult because there
> is a lack of resources interested in making it better, that's an
> upsetting, but equally reasonable argument.

As said in other posts, I think that the true reason is that there's
not any interest in doing it. Many attempts have been started and
abandoned in the past.

> If Gentoo's installer is difficult *on purpose* just to make Gentoo hard
> to use, that's ridiculous.

It's not dificult. You can read, you can do it.

Jesús Guerrero

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