On Fri, 6 Feb 2009 11:11:07 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> If Grandma can easily use Google to find new shortcake recipes (an
> entirely reasonable thing for Grandma to do in this day and age), then
> it is not unreasonable for savvy users to have a look at the man page
> and say
> "Oh look, this is a technical doc. Let me ask Google where better docs
> are"

There are two drawbacks to this. First you need Internet access, not so
good if you need help with ifconfig or route, or you are using your laptop
on a train.

Secondly, the Internet is full of useful advice, and some of it is even
accurate. Only documentation supplied with the package can be assumed to
be correct and up to date.

Neil Bothwick

When you said you wanted to live in sin, I didn't know you meant "sloth"

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