Alan McKinnon schrieb:
> On Thursday 26 March 2009 20:41:38 Florian Philipp wrote:
>> Alan McKinnon schrieb:
>>> On Thursday 26 March 2009 19:47:05 Florian Philipp wrote:
>>>> Hi list!
>>>> A quick question:
>>>> If i install Gentoo on a system with a kernel version 2.6.9 (don't ask
>>>> ...),
>>> Wow. That kernel is what 4? 5? years old
>> Yep, I was surprised myself. It is a virtual machine (formerly SuSE).
>> Therefore I have no influence on the kernel. I'm wondering whether I'm
>> even safe when running such an antique system.
> What kind of vm? Considering the vintage, I'd guess an early vmware
> The 2.6.9 machine - is that the host or guest?

It's OpenVZ, therefore guest and host share one kernel.

> About a year ago a company I worked for was consulted to maintain a hospital 
> admin system running on SLES of about that era in a VM. We told them to 
> upgrade or find somebody else. They went off on their merry way to find 
> somebody else...

I'll ask them as soon as I know more about how Gentoo works on this.

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