On Tuesday 14 April 2009 21:41:49 Paul Hartman wrote:
> Okay, that makes sense and if it were able to gather all of that
> metadata without me having to enter it maybe it could even be
> useful... as long as it never queries the internet for that metadata.

My post got too long and I subconsciously left that bit out :-)

The richest source of metadata is of course the internet at large and only a 
fool will think smart desktops won't support adding your metadata to that 
enormous pool. But it doesn't *have* to do it either and there's no reason why 
this can't be an option controlled by you, the user.

But this is speculation, we don't know where things are going. That's the 
thing with killer apps - they come at you unexpectedly out of the blue where 
the only constant is change. The best we can do is build generic tools that 
can cope with new ideas. Unix has always been very good at that.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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