On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Valmor de Almeida <val.gen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>> Look into /usr/portage/profiles/base/packages.
>> Everything in there must not be in your world file.
>> Afterwards start the big deleting. You have gnome installed? Remove 
>> everything
>> X11, glib, gtk from world. kde? qt does not belong there.
>> With a little bit of thinking you can reduce world A LOT.
> I find
> sys-devel/gcc
> in my world file. It is listed in ...base/packages too. How exactly do I
> remove it from world? Just edit the world file by removing the
> sys-devel/gcc line and do a revdep-rebuild --ignore followed by a emerge
> --depclean ?
> Thanks for inputs; I don't want to break my system.
> --
> Valmor

Yes, just edit it, but remember what you did. Depending on how the
tools react you may want to put it back in. Well, not gcc necessarily,
but if you do this for other packages pay attention to what happens.
When I do this I rerun emerge -pdDuN world, eix-test-obsolete,
revdep-rebuild -p, etc., to make sure nothing really changed.

Hope this helps,

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