On Saturday 13 June 2009, Philip Webb wrote:
> Yet another step reveals the locus of the problem here at least:
> (11) try to run 'klauncher' from CLI : "must be started by Kdeinit";
> (12) restart in KDE, fix Krusader + Apwal ;
> (13) reboot & restart FB but without 'kdeinit &' in  ~/.xinitrc :
>      Krusader 'open with' ok !
> So my problem seems to lie in starting 'kdeinit' without the KDE desktop.
> It will take another couple of reboots (tomorrow) to confirm this.
> Mick mb doing things a bit differently & his problem mb elsewhere.

I have rebooted a number of times (it's a laptop), always in xdm/fluxbox, but 
my Konqueror menus/kcontrol work fine now.  I do not have kdeinit in the 
fluxbox startup file.  Once I have booted up I will typically run {kgpg && 
kmail} to check my mail and occasionally launch konqueror with {kfmclient 
openProfile webbrowsing}.  By that stage kdeinit will be running (when things 
are normal):

 6973 ?        S      0:00 kgpg
 6976 ?        Ss     0:00 kdeinit Running...                              
 6982 ?        S      0:00  \_ klauncher [kdeinit] --new-startup               
 7030 ?        S      0:01  \_ kio_imap4 [kdeinit] imap /tmp/ksocket-michael/  
20306 ?        S      0:00  \_ kio_file [kdeinit] file /tmp/ksocket-michael/k  
21164 ?        S      0:00  \_ kio_smtp [kdeinit] smtp /tmp/ksocket-michael/k  
 6980 ?        S      0:00 dcopserver [kdeinit] --nosid --suicide          
 6984 ?        S      0:01 kded [kdeinit] --new-startup                    
 6986 ?        S      0:00 /usr/libexec/gam_server
 7018 ?        Sl     0:29 kmail
20414 ?        S      0:00  \_ aspell -a -S -B -Tutf8 --encoding=utf-8

When the 'lost menus' problem is there kfmclient will not run and konqueror 
will fail to launch.  Last time the menus were gone I realised that this was 
the case when I clicked on a link to open an attachment from within kmail - 
the save as/open with popup was void of any applications.  Unfortunately, I 
did not check at that time if kdeinit was running, but I would assume that it 
was otherwise would kde applications be able to run?

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