Hi there,

Now I've got this new machine with all this space on it (or rather: now I seem to be more interested in doing stuff with this machine I built a while ago), I'm starting on the process of ripping all my DVDs.

In the past I tried media-video/undvd for DVD ripping, but its .mp4 support now is broken, and probably won't be fixed.

This week I've been trying HandBrakeCLI, and it seems to work pretty darn lovely.

But the difference is that undvd has a simple --clone option which copies the DVD to disk first, and HandBrakeCLI doesn't.

To save wear & tear on my optical drive I have been cloning the DVD to disk before ripping, and I've noticed that it doesn't seem to work if I just do `dd if=/dev/cdrom of=disc.iso`. It seems like I have to access the disk using some other command first, then dd works just fine (in exactly the way I tried a moment before).

Can anyone explain this, please?

I'm guessing it has something to do with DeCSS encryption, but firstly I don't understand how that applies to dd, because I'd have assumed that treats the drive as a block device. Secondly, if this is related to DeCSS, I don't understand why accessing the disk with one command leaves it unlocked for another command to access the disk a minute later.

Anyone got any thoughts, please?

I haven't looked into this deeply myself, yet, so I'm not able to give a full analysis of how exactly the behaviour is manifesting itself. I tried dd'ing one disk and it didn't work, so I started undvd working with the --clone option and cancelled when the cloning had finished (and the rip began). I basically wanted to see if it worked or failed, and it worked just fine, so I looked through undvd's source and it _seems_ (I say "seems" lest I'm reading undvd's perl code wrongly) just to use dd itself. So next I tried `dd if=/dev/cdrom of=disc_manual_dd.iso` myself and not only did it work just fine, but the md5sums of the two images (the one produced by undvd & the one produced by my manual dd) were identical.

So I tried with a different disk - take a look at the attached cloning.txt - and dd fails repeatedly at 770kB. Then I run scandvd on the disk and after that dd works perfectly, "8027521024 bytes (8.0 GB) copied". scandvd is a tool which is packaged with undvd and it runs mplayer (I'm sure) on the disk, then shows the number of tracks on the disk in a pretty format.

This is no kind of a show-stopper for me, because I've described the workaround above, it's just a curiosity. I guess I'm not alone on here in wanting to know how these computer things work.

I'd be really interested if anyone else's DVD drives show the same behaviour. Does dd fail for you when you try it on a new movie? If you don't have undvd installed, just run `mplayer dvd://`, cancel it and then try dd again.

Sorry if I've been a little verbose with my explanation, BTW. It's a little late here, I'm a little tired, and with these weird things that I almost don't believe myself I always like to explain comprehensively, and it prolly reads like I'm blabbering.

Thanks for any thoughts,


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