On 11 Aug 2009, at 11:24, Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 08:47:58 +0100, Stroller wrote:

Probably because the CSS stuff is stored in a separate area of the
which is not copied by dd.

I think I may not have phrased the question clearly. Initially dd
doesn't work, then it magically starts working. See the cloning.txt
attached to my second post.

Probably because of Remy's explanation, that you have forced the keys to
be read.

I can only think - this occurred to me after I posted this morning - that the keys are somehow stored in the drive's memory. But nevertheless I'm copying the encrypted image of the disk, so why would the keys make a difference? Besides, the drive is RPC-1, so whatever I run on it is doing the DeCSS in software - does the key get uploaded to the drive? Maybe it's a more primitive mechanism that's being unlocked. I'd just like to understand it.

I'd still us vobcopy as it does the decrypting once and stored a
decrypted copy of the disc's contents, and handbrake can work with a
VIDEO_TS directory instead of a DVD or image file.

HandbrakeCLI appears _here_ to be working fine with the encrypted image produced with dd (I've only tried 2 disks so far). Certainly if you rip with mplayer / mencoder it sees that the stream is encrypted, cracks the DeCSS in a moment & has no problems with it.

I guess I just prefer this encrypted.dd.iso image because it's a single file to work with, rather than a directory containing a mess of .vob files. Or, at least, the mess of .vob files are hidden from me. ;) I guess I've just gotten used to doing it this way.

Handbrake looks interesting, I'm trying to rip some DVDs to play on my
Eee during a long flight next week, but the ebuild from b.g.o fails
during compilation here.

I think I used this one:

I think that you can get this using layman, but I just copied it into / usr/local/portage/...

I set -gtk in package.use, because I only want to use the command line version, and it compiled fine.

I get the impression that Gentoo's devs find it difficult to reconcile Handbrake's build system with Portage. But I'd really love to see it in the tree, because I don't think there's anything better, easier & "more complete" for ripping at the command line.

undvd is now broken for mp4s, and its avi files are no good to me. To playback on the PS3, rips really need to be .mp4. In the past (maybe this is fixed now) the avi files produced by undvd wouldn't work on my Mac (I think because they combined h264 with mp3 audio, an "invalid" combination)

I found another integrated command-line ripper (lxdvdrip?) which has an "interactive" interface. It didn't seem to take --arguments (as I prefer) and I found it quite unintuitive.

The dependencies of media-video/shrip are really just too onerous if you only want a command-line ripper. Emerging it, or one of those dependencies, required I change the USE flags for a package & remerge that; I gave up when it required a second package's USE flags to be changed.

Simply `HandbrakeCLI -o file.mp4 -b 1500 -i $input` seems to be producing really nice rips here, and I just find that a really easy method.


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