On 12 Aug 2009, at 21:43, Neil Bothwick wrote:
If you just want the movies to play back on a Linux laptop whilst on a
holiday trip then this probably won't bother you at all, but if you
want an "archive" of your movie collection which you'll keep for
playback into the future then undvd isn't the best ripper. It seems to
me that HandBrakeCLI takes that prize, in the command-line category,
at least.

At the moment that's all I want, but that may not always be true, so I'd
rather find one program that addresses my current and possible future
needs, instead of having to learn a second later on. Undvd is very simple
to use, but after some playing it turns out to be too simple, I'm a
Gentoo user and therefore a control freak.

What don't you like about undvd, please?

What settings do you want to change, that it prevents you?

The reason I'm asking is that HandBrakeCLI has a bug WRT cropping & PS3 playback, see:

I would prefer to be able to crop, because ISTM that the uncropped setting means I encode big black borders around the sides, resulting in larger files.

I don't believe that undvd (relying upon mplayer) has this problem, so I am tempted to have another crack at hacking on undvd's source & porting its call upon mpeg4ip (which has been depreciated from the tree) to instead work with MP4Box (part of media-video/gpac).

I already had a little go at this, but I'm not an expert coder - certainly not in perl - and got a little stuck. I think I can probably manage to overcome the difficulty I encountered, but I'd be grateful to hear of any other shortcomings of undvd that I may not have considered, before I invest any more time in it.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,


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