On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 08:47:58 +0100, Stroller wrote:

> > Probably because the CSS stuff is stored in a separate area of the  
> > drive,
> > which is not copied by dd.  
> I think I may not have phrased the question clearly. Initially dd  
> doesn't work, then it magically starts working. See the cloning.txt  
> attached to my second post.

Probably because of Remy's explanation, that you have forced the keys to
be read. I'd still us vobcopy as it does the decrypting once and stored a
decrypted copy of the disc's contents, and handbrake can work with a
VIDEO_TS directory instead of a DVD or image file.

Handbrake looks interesting, I'm trying to rip some DVDs to play on my
Eee during a long flight next week, but the ebuild from b.g.o fails
during compilation here.

Neil Bothwick

Portable: Survives system reboot.

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