> I simply can't make any sense of them.
> Your mailer also used HTML.
> If you wish to make postings of this kind then I would be grateful if
> you could place me on your ignore list, and not make such replies to my
> messages.

Sorry.  This should be regular text now.

>> How do you find the serial, please? I'm guessing from `dmesg`?

Just a re-post on how to find the serial on a usb drive, where the USB
device in question is at node /dev/sdb :

# udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/sdb) | grep ATTRS{serial}

You might get more than one return on this command.  Us the first
serial, and it is also the one without colons or periods, just numbers
and letters.

Then for the udev rule you just need to include ATTRS{serial}==" 0000000000"


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