Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Fri, 08 Jan 2010 18:16:05 -0600, Dale wrote:

So, as I have been saying all along, repeatedly, Gentoo did not drop
the ball here, KDE did.
It's  their ball, they can do whatever they like with it. It doesn't
matter how much you complain, if unpaid, volunteer developers want to
work on the new stuff, that is their choice, and an unsurprising one.
Yep, it is their ball. It doesn't mean that I or anyone else has to like it tho.

No, but it doesn't mean you should keep complaining about it. It's their
project and their choice. If you don't like it, ask for your money back.

Actually, I only told the OP, many many replies ago, that it was not Gentoo's fault that KDE was dropped. Then for some crazy reason it became my fault. It's not my fault at all. Any one who thinks so is wrong. I had NO part in the decision to drop KDE 3 support by KDE.

If KDE didn't drop the ball then why is Redhat having to step up and do the job on the KDE developers?
They aren't, they are doing the job they were paid to do by their
customers. If you want continued, guaranteed support for KDE3, you
have two choices: do it yourself or buy a copy of RHEL with a support

Then that would be the decision Redhat made after KDE dropped the

No, it was the decision Red Hat made before they sold distros with X year
support contracts, to provide a guaranteed level of support to their
customers. Someone mentioned that 62% of KDE devs are unpaid, who do you
think pays the other 38%.

So they did make the decision to continue support for KDE 3. OK. So what? I wish them the best of luck. KDE still stopped the support. Anything else you say will not change that fact. Again, Redhat is only picking it up because KDE isn't doing it. That's what you just said. If KDE was still supporting and developing KDE 3 then Redhat wouldn't have to do what KDE used to do.

Again, someone picking up after KDE and doing what they could
have done.  I wonder if Redhat likes having to do that?  Wouldn't they
like their PAID people to be doing something else besides picking up
after KDE?

They want their paid people to do their job of supporting their
customers. KDE are also supporting their customers, which do not include
you (or me).

It sure doesn't. I don't use Redhat. Honestly, I don't care what Redhat decides to support or not to support. It doesn't seem to affect me or Gentoo one little bit.

By the way, I dropped hal. Maybe KDE will be next?

Fine, that's your choice, just as it was KDE's choice to maximise the
resources devoted to development of KDE4 by not diverting devs' time to
KDE3. Maybe that's why KDE 4.4 is so much nicer to use than 4.3?

Glad to hear they are working on KDE 4.4. Maybe it will work good enough for me to use one day soon. It looks promising to me.


:-) :-)

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