On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Stroller
<strol...@stellar.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
> On 10 Jan 2010, at 18:09, Valmor de Almeida wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 8:09 AM, Stroller <strol...@stellar.eclipse.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>>> Would love to comment on this. Is it possible you could resend this post
>>> in plain text format?
>>> Stroller.
>> Below is my last post copied and pasted into gmail without the html hot
> Both messages contain html text formatting. If you look at your last message
> (the one to which I'm replying now, Message-ID:
> <128ccc221001101009v75f23dcey7d52967b16f7d...@mail.gmail.com>) in a text
> editor, for instance:

I share all of your comments. Yes I was/am stuck inside
systemrescuecd. I typically use thunderbird to get my mail from the
gmail server as imap and always use plain text (to send and receive).
Therefore I am not knowledgeable of the web gmail application; I
seldom log into my gmail account with a web browser. Your next e-mail
pointed me to the "plain" option; thanks! Don't know how I could have
missed it. Originally I had looked at the settings of my gmail account
but it did not help. On my next e-mail I will send a clean plain text



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