On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 08:42:45 +0930, Iain Buchanan wrote:

> > But it's not, not once you eject the virtual CD. Is it really worth
> > bricking your hardware and invalidating the warranty to get rid of
> > something that disappears after a couple of microseconds anyway?  
> sorry, you're asking the wrong guy that question :) IMHO, yes; IHisHO
> maybe not.

Well, if I got an answer, maybe I wasn't asking the wrong person, as the
OP didn't reply when I first asked it :)

Personally, I wouldn't risk bricking £70+ of hardware when a one line
config file entry would also get rid of the device. And that's assuming a
suitably hacked firmware could be found in the first place, and that
this part of the drive's behaviour was controlled by the flashable
portion of the firmware.

That's a lot of ifs and a lot more potential hassle to avoid pasting one
line -)

Neil Bothwick

Accordion: a bagpipe with pleats.

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