
You have omitted the only solution that will probably work, is economical 
and can be deployed immediately - using Diatom Algae to oxygenate oceans 
and lakes to reduce methane production and emission.

"Accompanying artificial aeration may be used to control anoxia and inhibit 
methanogenesis where recovery and use of methane for fuel is not desired.  "

Natural aeration would be better than artificial aeration.
Diatoms contribute about 50% of all oxygen in the oceans.
Increasing this by 5 to 10% is probably all that is required to be done.



On Sunday, 8 July 2012 02:08:48 UTC+5:30, andrewjlockley wrote:
> I've drafted a formal response to Josh's paper (pasted below), which I 
> hope to submit to the journal.  I'd really appreciate a brutal 
> critique! 
> Thanks 
> A 
> Abstract 
> We welcome the suggested response to methane emissions detailed by 
> Stolaroff et al.  We offer additional detail on some methods, and 
> discuss a range of alternative strategies. 
> We consider that a scale-appropriate response to methane feedback 
> falls into the category of geoengineering, and recommend rapid 
> research and development to prepare such response to the potentially 
> existential threat posed by possible methane feedbacks. 
> Background 
> Paleoclimatic records indicate a potentially significant role for 
> methane excursions in past climatic transitions, such as the 
> Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (Schmitt & Shindell, 2003) and the 
> Permian-Triassic mass extinction (Krull & Retallack, 2000).  We note 
> with concern the potential of the methane feedback mechanisms detailed 
> by Stolaroff et al. and Lenton et al (2008) to play a role in future 
> transitions.  Kurten et al (2011) offers additional cause for concern, 
> suggesting a mechanism for a dramatic increase to the global warming 
> potential (GWP) of methane upon large scale release which is 
> consistent with the paleoclimatic record. 
> Strategies to counter abrupt or non-linear climate change where 
> certainty is not available may be treated as a ‘game against nature’, 
> according to game theory detailed by Beckencamp et al (2008). 
> Discussion 
> We consider generally the appropriate investment strategies for 
> further research and development.  Due to the unlimited downside of a 
> potential existential threat, and the trivial costs of further 
> geoengineering research (as compared to the global economy), the 
> choice of whether to research these techniques can be considered to be 
> analogous to Pascal’s wager.  This strongly indicates rapid additional 
> research efforts. 
> We suggest an array of additional techniques to address methane 
> emissions, in addition to those mentioned by Stolaroff et al: 
> Supersaturated water degassing 
> Deep water in lakes exposed to local methane sources may have a 
> partial pressure of methane greater than atmospheric pressure.  When 
> depressurised (i.e. lifted), this water becomes supersaturated and 
> will spontaneously effervesce, liberating methane and other gases 
> present from solution, permitting recovery.  Ebullition in the rising 
> water results in a buoyancy effect.  In a continuous pipe, this 
> process can be self-sustaining, creating a fountain.  Installations 
> based on this principle exist to manage CO2 concentrations in bottom 
> water, e.g. Lake Nyos, Cameroon (Kling, 2005). Lake Kivu in DRC is 
> undergoing comparable projects on methane, for energy use.  This is to 
> be run on a commercial basis by Contour Global / KivuWatt (Contour 
> Global), and thus this technique is especially attractive for 
> near-term scaling for geoengineering use.  However, availability of 
> suitable sites is uncertain, and this requires further research. 
> Polytunnels 
> Agricultural polytunnels, AKA hoop houses, are greenhouse-like linear 
> structures.  These are typically: approximately semicircular in 
> section; of the order of 1-5m in height; and made from metal or 
> polymer tubes or rods with transparent polymer covers.  They permit 
> plant growth beneath, and infiltration of precipitation run off into 
> the soil surface.  Due to the impermeable cover, they concentrate 
> methane seeps from soils, and therefore allow extraction (and 
> treatment) of methane-rich air. 
> Lake sealing 
> Impermeable coverings on lakes prevent methane fluxes reaching the 
> atmosphere.  Where ice does not perform this function, floating 
> plastics sheets or foaming agents (miscible, or preferably floating) 
> can trap bubbles for flaring or collection.  Non-biodegradable foaming 
> agents, such as branched-chain isomers of sodium dodecylbenzene 
> sulfonate may offer an appropriate material choice.  Biodegradability 
> of these agents are well studied, such as by Zhang (Zhang, 1999).  The 
> mechanics of foams are perhaps more extensively explored in the 
> brewing industry, where they are more commercially significant. 
> Sophisticated analysis methods are available (German & McCarthy, 
> 1989).   Accompanying artificial aeration may be used to control 
> anoxia and inhibit methanogenesis where recovery and use of methane 
> for fuel is not desired. 
> Mixing of aquatic strata 
> Geoengineering techniques for mixing strata have been proposed (Zhou & 
> Flynn, 2005).  Mixing may promote bubble dissolution, and manage both 
> methanogenesis and methanotrophy, by means of temperature adjustment, 
> partial pressure adjustment, downwelling of oxygenated water, and 
> nutrient transport. 
> In the case of small seeps, highly targeted downwelling may be of 
> benefit.  Enhanced water velocities on sea and lake floors may 
> encourage formation of smaller bubbles, or aid complete dissolution. 
> Mining clathrates 
> Established proposals exist for the commercial mining of clathrates as 
> an energy source (MacDonald, 1990), (Lee, 2001).   This may be 
> extended to vulnerable but uneconomic deposits. 
> Spark ignition 
> Small, cheap spark devices, such as vehicle-type induction coils & 
> spark plugs, or piezo-electric technologies, can ignite combustible 
> methane/air mixtures at source. Micro-renewables can provide power in 
> remote areas. Device distribution could be by surface transport, or 
> air-drop.  Ignition units can be designed for use on soil or water 
> surfaces. 
> Compression-heated oxidation 
> Stolaroff et al consider compression heating of rarefied methane and 
> its subsequent oxidation in gas turbines, but not in reciprocating 
> engines (Diesel-type), which are also suited to the purpose.  The 
> catalytic surfaces considered by Stolaroff et al may also be applied 
> to reciprocating engines.  Comparison of efficiency in Diesel and 
> turbine engines requires numerical modelling.  Heat transfer losses 
> are reduced in larger Diesel engines, due to scale effects.  This is 
> likely to favour the use of larger reciprocating engines, possibly 
> comparable in scale to those used on large ships. 
> Radical Chemistry 
> Zhou, L., et al (undated) considered the manipulation of atmospheric 
> levels of hydroxyl (OH) radical precursors, specifically NOx, and find 
> significant reductions to methane residency times are achievable. 
> This technique offers the potential to manipulate well-mixed 
> atmospheric methane by enhancing the principal sink.  As such, this 
> technique merits particular mention, as it is able to address a 
> substantial fraction of the global methane budget. 
> Conclusion 
> We extend and further detail the strategy of deliberate intervention 
> in the methane budget proposed by Stolaroff et al.  We regard this 
> generally as a geoengineering strategy when applied to natural 
> sources.  We note the potential risk of methane feedbacks, suggested 
> changes to the GWP of methane in extreme-release scenarios, and the 
> possible role of methane in mass extinction events.  Further, we note 
> the relatively low cost of additional research into methane 
> geoengineering.  On balance, we therefore suggest an appropriate 
> programme of research should be to prepare a planetary-scale 
> geoengineering strategy to respond to potential future releases.  We 
> recommend generally further research on the techniques outlined above, 
> and those detailed by Stolaroff.  We suggest particular focus on 
> techniques which have near-term economic benefits by fuel recovery 
> (e.g. clathrate mining and water depressurization), and global-scale 
> techniques, (e.g. radical chemistry). 
> References 
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> Non-journal sources 
> Kosmack, Deborah A., Winschel, Richard A. & Zak, Kenneth P. 
> Capture and use of coal mine ventilation air methane 
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> Coal mine, Landfill, Biogass information 
> Contour Global 
> KivuWatt project information 
> On 25 June 2012 17:44, Joshuah Stolaroff wrote: 
> > Here is the PDF. Apologies to those who could not see it; I was just 
> > trying to avoid spamming the list. 
> > 
> > -Josh 
> > 
> > On Fri, 2012-06-22 at 15:52 -0700, Andrew Lockley wrote: 
> >> pls can you send paper to the list? 
> >> 
> >> A 
> >> 
> >> On Jun 22, 2012 10:49 PM, "Joshuah Stolaroff" <> 
> >> wrote: 
> >>         Hi Folks, 
> >> 
> >>         Some of you may be interested in this paper just published in 
> >>         ES&T: "Review of methane mitigation technologies with 
> >>         application to rapid release of methane from the Arctic." 
> >> 
> >>         Our goal, among others, was to identify technologies that 
> >>         might be used to control Arctic methane emissions. The paper 
> >>         is not about geoengineering per se, but we touch on a number 
> >>         of geoengineering techniques. We hope that the technical 
> >>         background provided will stimulate technologists to find more 
> >>         solutions to various methane problems. 
> >> 
> >>         -Josh 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>         ---------------------------------- 
> >>         Joshuah K. Stolaroff, PhD 
> >>         Environmental Scientist 
> >>         E Program, Global Security 
> >>         Climate technology and policy 
> >>         Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 
> >>         P.O. Box 808 L-103 
> >>         Livermore, CA 94551 
> >> 
> >>         925-422-0957 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>         -- 
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> > 
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