I finally got the export of a PDF version of the GeoTools developer
guide to work after singing up with Codehaus. Perhaps we should add a
note indicating that the document conversion will only work for
registered users of the site? Just a thought...

I noted that the chapters of the exported PDF seem to be all mixed up.
For example, chapter 8 and chapter 9 come before chapter 1. I'm not
sure if this is intentional, but I thought I would mention it. I
realize PDF may not be the preferred form of documentation for the
GeoTools Project, but I like it. :]

After skimming the developer's guide, I still have a couple of
questions. I'd like to ask them here, even though I didn't read EVERY
page of the Developer Guide in excrutiating detail. Please forgive me
for my laziness. :]

Here are my questions:

[1] The Developer's Guide mentions the procedures one would go trough
to add a third party JAR to GeoTools. However, I didn't see any
instructions on when the addition of a third party library is
acceptable. Is there a criteria that I can use to determine this, or
would I just propose the dependency on the mailing list? I would
imagine there would be a desire to keep the number of dependencies to
a minimum, thought I could be incorrect about this.

[2] Where would I find a list of third party JARS already included as
a dependency in GeoTools? The Developer's Guide mentioned this site:
http://mvnrepository.com/. I'm not sure if that is what I am really
looking for. Isn't that a list of all the Jars in some type of global
Maven repository? GeoTools certainly doesn't depend on all of those, I
would hope. Is there another list of required libraries for just
GeoTools? I hope this question makes sense, as I am not a Maven

[3] I can't seem to find the current version of Java that GeoTools
supports/requires. Where would I find this information? Is there a
policy for when the library upgrades to a new JRE?

Thanks for all the help.

The Sunburned Surveyor

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