Jody wrote: Interesting; do you know what parser Peter was using?

I should have included an excerpt of my conversation with Peter. Here it is...

Landon asked Peter: Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! I
look forward to
working on the GPX module for GeoTools. I've got a quick question for
you to begin:

How did you handle the actual parsing of the GPX xml file to produce
the org.geotools.gpx.bean package? Did you use an xml binding
framework like Castor?

Peter answered: I did it in the way described here: with
some help from Justin. Though Justin said that even he doesn't use
that now (or at least last August), but an other way. And after the
code generation I edited some parts by hand too, so as it is now, it's
not programmatically reproduceable.

Jody wrote: "If you do bring Paul's code over make sure we have
permission to; or publish the jar to the maven repository etc..."

I already talked to Paul about this and got his permission. I'll
likely incorporate his Java files directly, instead of using a
separate JAR file.

Paul did mention his code was released under the Apache license. Will
I need to get it under the LGPL if I want to include his source files
directly in my module? If I package them in a separate JAR on which my
module depends, can they stay under the Apache license?

I think Paul is pretty flexible on this issue. I want to do what is easiest.


On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Jody Garnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
>> Jody wrote: "Nice work! It is so much easier to proceed when there is
>> someone who "owns" the code."
>> Peter sounds like he'll be able to answer questions, but I don't think
>> he currently has the time to actively maintain the module. Maybe that
>> is why work on the modile has tappered off.
>> After looking at the code I think I have come up with a plan to move
>> forward. Peter mentioned the XML parsing code in his module is likely
>> outdated. I plan on replacing this with some updated code. I actually
>> found some code by Paul Austing that provides reads GPX files to
>> produce generic DataObjects, and writes DataObjects back out to GPX.
>> I'm hoping that I can integrate this code.
> Interesting; do you know what parser Peter was using?
> If you do bring Paul's code over make sure we have permission to; or publish
> the jar to the maven repository etc...
>> It would be great if we could parse all the pom.xml files and produce
>> a master list of dependencies by module. That might point out
>> opportunities for library consolidation.
> I think you will find that information available in two forms already:
> - as "reports" published by Martin; he provided the links but you can
> generate them yourself using "mvn site:site"
> - from the command line: mvn dependency:tree

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