Yep this is what I like healthy discussion.

Michael you mentioned a gaps in the docs; can we fill them in? I hate 
blog-panning for the golden nugget of information.
I would like to strip out the maven 1 references in the developers guide 
(as they just add noise by this stage).

Martin also suggested we could simplify - martin do you have specific 
ideas of complexity that can be stripped out of our maven  configuration?


Michael Bedward wrote:
> Hi Landon,
> I feel your pain :-)
> I confess that I found maven confusing, intimidating and frustrating
> when I started using Geotools last year.  On top of coming to grips
> with Java (new language for me) and Geotools (a mighty wide, deep and
> sometimes murky ocean), this maven thing looked like the straw that
> was going to break the camel's back.
> A bit less than a year later I shudder to think of how I would cope
> without it.  Handling the chain of dependencies and enforcing a
> standardized directory structure are the two aspects that I really
> appreciate.
> There are things that I still find frustrating with maven: gaps in the
> docs that force you to google for maven secrets on blogs etc.; getting
> it to work with a particular version of a plugin; having to housekeep
> my local repository more or less manually...
> But I agree with Jody - persist with it for a bit longer and then re-assess.
> Have fun !
> Michael

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