Jody and Justin,

I have been investigating the changes needed allow the existing GML 
bindings to be used to encode complex features. While I am pleased with 
how far I have been able to get with some hacked-up prototypes, there 
are significant problems that remain, and many involve namespace handling.

I would like your advice, and the advice of the rest of the community, 
on how to proceed.

The namespace problems are rooted in the assumption that every data 
source has a single namespace, and that all features and properties 
derived from it exist within this namespace. This simplification does 
not apply for XML in general. Gabriel hinted at this history when I 
implemented GSIP 31 (GeoServer migration to DataAccess API). I am now 
beginning to realise the implications. Principally, the consequence is 
the wide-ranging use of String to identify properties, with the 
assumption that a non-scoped name is sufficient as a unique identifier. 
The existence and spreading use of Name makes it clear to me that the 
problem is recognised; all that remains is to migrate all APIs to use 
Name rather than String to identify properties.

Presumably, the community would rather like it if GeoTools continued to 
work with simple features, so I have attempted to make changes in a 
backwards-compatible manner.

One of the things I am trying to do is to make changes that improve the 
existing codebase, rather than forking or adding new code to work around 
problems. To this end, I have been looking at the existing GML encoding 
support. For example, I have found that there is an undocumented 
contract between GML2EncodingUtils and the users of 
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder. It appears that SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder 
accepts only String property names, so clients discard namespaces, and 
no-namespace properties are created, while GML2EncodingUtils gets 
properties ignoring their namespaces at encoding time. These two 
complementary fudges cancel out for common use cases, but fixing 
GML2EncodingUtils to respect namespaces (required to support complex 
features) causes many uses of SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder to fail.

SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder and its best friend AttributeTypeBuilder are 
most kindly described as bloated and crufty.

Even after hacking SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder to be Name-based with 
backwards-compatible support for String names, I still run into 
problems. For example, the Query API forces all property names to be 
Strings, losing namespace support, and breaking unit tests. I do not 
think that this can be fixed without breaking backwards compatibility of 
the Query API.

It is a big mess.

It seems to me that GeoTools requires wide-ranging 
backwards-incompatible changes to better support namespaces. This may 
cause inconvenience to those who have code based on GeoTools.

(1) Does the community want to see such a change?

(2) How should it be done? (I am looking for suggestions of where to 
start, and other areas that will need work.)

(3) Who is able to help?

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer, CSIRO Exploration and Mining
Australian Resources Research Centre
26 Dick Perry Ave, Kensington WA 6151, Australia

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