ha scritto:
> +1 for the concept.
> +1 for the name GeoTools.undeploy()
> -1 onWebApplicationUnload(), geotools itself has nothing to do with 
> webapps,
> why should UDIG call onWebApplicationUnload() ??

It should not. That method is specifically designed for J2EE clean 
shutdown. So nothing but a web application will ever use it.

> IMHO it would make sense to have a GeoTools.redploy(). To give an example:
> The imagemosaic-jdbc module could reread its configuration files at 
> runtime.

That seems unnecessary to me. Why would you want to do that, the
web container redeploy will basically do that for you no?
(e.g., the application will start up normally and do whatever it's
  supposed to do, including loading the mosaic configs if the app
  is using them).

To make it clear, calling undeploy() will probably make the Geotools 
code unusable after the call, it's something that has to be called at
the final stage of a web application life, not as a way to get a cleanup
while the app is still running


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo -
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