Reclamation :-)

First, I use geotools also in an EJB Container,having its own life  
cicle and class loader.

Second, I use geotools in a Java Applet, yet another life cyle. The  
Java VM is started only once and there can be many different applets.

The only thing I want to say is that we should not forget that  
geotools is used in other environments too.

I am happy with your proposal, but sometimes I get the feeling that  
geotools is made for geoserver only, that would be a pity.

Thats my opinion, but as you know, I am always ready for a compromise.

Quoting Andrea Aime <>:

> ha scritto:
>> +1 for the concept.
>> +1 for the name GeoTools.undeploy()
>> -1 onWebApplicationUnload(), geotools itself has nothing to do with webapps,
>> why should UDIG call onWebApplicationUnload() ??
> It should not. That method is specifically designed for J2EE clean
> shutdown. So nothing but a web application will ever use it.
>> IMHO it would make sense to have a GeoTools.redploy(). To give an example:
>> The imagemosaic-jdbc module could reread its configuration files at runtime.
> That seems unnecessary to me. Why would you want to do that, the
> web container redeploy will basically do that for you no?
> (e.g., the application will start up normally and do whatever it's
>  supposed to do, including loading the mosaic configs if the app
>  is using them).
> To make it clear, calling undeploy() will probably make the Geotools
> code unusable after the call, it's something that has to be called at
> the final stage of a web application life, not as a way to get a cleanup
> while the app is still running
> Cheers
> Andrea
> -- 
> Andrea Aime
> OpenGeo -
> Expert service straight from the developers.

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