On 14/05/2010, at 5:35 PM, christian.muel...@nvoe.at wrote:

> Reclamation :-)
> First, I use geotools also in an EJB Container,having its own life cicle and 
> class loader. Second, I use geotools in a Java Applet, yet another life cyle. 
> The Java VM is started only once and there can be many different applets.

Reminds me; what is the mechanism applets used against? We were making use of 
it at somepoint to try and not have referencing chew up too many resources. I 
wonder if we could use it to store references which "cleanup" could later 

Do you have an applet handy you could check with? I seem to recall it was used 
to implement/store the "AppletContext"

> The only thing I want to say is that we should not forget that geotools is 
> used in other environments too.
> I am happy with your proposal, but sometimes I get the feeling that geotools 
> is made for geoserver only, that would be a pity.

I think that is a happy accident because the geoserver developers have been 
very good about contributing back. 


I have been to many customer sites where an old version of geotools is used; 
and I spend days sorting out what fixes they have; what fixes they made and did 
not commit back and so forth... crazy.



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