So a GeoTools.cleanup() then :-)

Basically I would love to some how partition or set a checkpoint or something 
and cleanup; and keep on going ...
Ideally I would love to do this on a Map by Map basis in uDig so when a Map is 
closed I can "flush" out and geotools resources it was tracking.

We *do* have the idea of a Transaction (basically keeping track of a session) 
... but so many things are done using "AUTO_COMMIT".
Is there any useful examples that do this sort of thing? I wish we could do a 
"tag and sweep" and preserve things that are still in use...


On 14/05/2010, at 4:26 PM, Andrea Aime wrote:

> Jody Garnett ha scritto:
>> Thinking about that; I don't see a problem but kind of wish the
>> shutdown was a bit more fine grained then that (ie datastore dispose
>> cleaning up everything it is responsible for).
>> I do like the idea of having the shutdown hook and us using it to
>> catch leaks.
> Hmmm... ok, shutdown() is probably a misnomer.
> The method I have in mind has nothing to do with shutting down GeoTools
> in a desktop or command line application: for that use case the
> user already has the explicit close methods for any resource it grabs 
> (datastores, iterators, coverage readers and whatnot) and for
> every thread GeoTools creates there are no problems either
> because they are daemon threads (i.e., they don't prevent the
> JVM from being shut down).
> However, to release a web application being undeployed there is much
> more to do.
> Those daemon threads have to be manually stopped, otherwise they
> will keep the classloader up.
> All the custom JAI readers, stream, operations and whatnot have
> to be un-registered.
> All the JDBC drivers loaded by the datastores have to be unregistered
> as well.
> All of the above has in common one thing: you have no explicit way
> to locate and properly close/unregister any of the above because
> they all are implementation details of one or the other subsystem
> (99% of the issues come from referencing and coverage subsystems
> actually).
> So this "shutdown" method is not about closing datastores, or whatever
> you have that explicitly and clearly gives you resource handling methods.
> It's J2EE specific, and should handle all those nitty gritty details
> that are spread out thought the library and that prevent a proper
> undeploy of a web application.
> Shall we call it GeoTools.undeploy()? onWebApplicationUnload()?
> Cheers
> Andrea
> -- 
> Andrea Aime
> OpenGeo -
> Expert service straight from the developers.


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